Poppy a look back

Rockwans Poppy tracker – Pink have moved to new homes coloured ones are still here

The amazing Rockwan on Flickr made this Poppy chart so we can all keep track of our collections.

Looking at the Poppies I have had and sold its interesting to see the list was almost even, but as she is becoming the most favourite of my collection the numbers have changed recently!

The collection I wanted the most was 2015 The Model Scene Collection, with Go See! being the one that I looked forward to the most. I actually wanted to pre-buy the collection and a dealer agreed to let me do this, but then once it was announced they ignored all my emails and calls. It was a very upsetting situation and the dolls I did get were Wedding Belle and Spring Song, from another dealer. The whole situation really soured me on collecting and these dolls did not even leave the box! In 2016 I did a complete purge and sold all of my collection and off they went to new homes. I started collecting again after a year or so and did get IT Airways but just did not bond with that Poppy so she went to a new home.


In 2017 I was again late to the release of the The Swinging London Collection with Sign of the Times sold out everywhere I ordered Downtown Poppy and was not disappointed! She was stunning out of the box and so much better re-dressed! I also got lucky and found Sign of the Times blond a little while later. Later the same year I found to the fair Poppy nude, she was an amazing addition, no other Poppy looks like her, she is soft and sweet!

To the Fair
Sign of the Times

In 2018 I joined the W Club and Soda Pop Saturday came to stay. I really hated her in box and was going to sell her but decided to try a re-dress and I am so glad I did! There is something about this screening that makes her look so interesting! I also ordered Peach Parfait and Off Beat but the hair texture was very stiff and I just could not get used to it so they did not stay.

Soda Pop Saturday and To the Fair

We also had the chance to order Split Decision, of course I wanted to get the famous Bergdrof Goodman screening at a more affordable price and I decided to get two sets. They are softer looking in real life and I am so happy to have both dolls! One of the silver haired girls did go to a new home but the rest are staying.

In 2019 we got Bosa Nova Beauty, again another Poppy that looks ok in box but really shines when she is re-dressed! I need to take more shots of her as well!

2020 was my Poppy year! I got into convention so was able to get all of the Poppies as well as the two dealer Poppies, and one club pre-order. I also lucked out and was able to trade for the two Jason Wu Anniversary Kiss Poppies, something I really appreciate as this was the time the prices went crazy! They have the same Bergdorf Goodman screening but with silver eye shadow. I need to re-dress them but they look adorable as they are!

From the convention most Poppies stayed with the exception for Party in the Hamptons. I think they are stunning in different ways and I love the entire collection!

I have Out Back Walkabout and will take photos of her soon and four more Poppies on pre-order. I really hope this years collection will be amazing too!