
There are a lot of factors for me when I decide which doll will stay and which will go to a new home, below is a breakdown of what influences these choices:

Space! – The biggest factor, I have two shelves in a bookcase where the collection normally stays so this really limits the dolls that can stay.

Collections – I used to be a dollie magpie and buy everything that came out! In fact the first year I joined the W Club that was the whole reason – everything must be bought. In 2020 I decided to change this up and only ordered limited dolls from each collection but this did not work as I missed out on Poppy and the Nuface twins! So now my collection is focused on Poppy with Homme next, Nuface and FR a joint third. If an exceptional doll comes out then of course I will go for it!

Same screening – I do like specific dolls with specific screening so I am trying not to have too many of the same type. Big Eyes screening on Poppy is probably the exception to this!

No re-buys – I also have a no regrets rule, if I have had a doll and then sold it, I cannot re-buy this doll! Its also known as the being a big meanie rule but helps me to really think about it!

Collection 2019