FR Fashions 16th May release

In May we were offered the chance to purchase three made for FR fashions based on the Club scene of the late 1970’s early 1980’s. Designed by Chris Stoeckel for the FR line, these are three interesting looks with some nice play value.

In her smart pinstripe suit and lime green accents your doll could be in the VIP section in any club! I do like the suit look on the FR frame, there is something commanding about it! For this look I am not sure how the lime will look on our paler FR girls, I do like the hat and the bustier under the jacket although that was not enough to make me order this!

Clubbing The Night Away is the second look of this set in a deep red and gold jewellery. I tried to like this look, but the under top with two stands really was not working for me, like Eugenia would be caught dead in something like this! It would have looked great on Korinne or Isabella. Again this look was ok but not a must have so it is not on my order list.

The last sent in this trio is called Making An Appearance, in a lovely lilac ensemble with gold accessories. I like the skinny pants and the chiffon dress and the different ways these looks can be styled. I was most tempted to get this but again not too sure if the shade would work on the paler dolls I have in mind so I have decided not to pre-order any of these.

I do hope IT continue to try fashion sets as they can be great to try different themes and looks!